November 2, 2015

Report: Evidence Briefing on Respite Services for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disability

This report will provide a summary of the current state of respite on a global scale, and provide research evidence to support the potential St.Amant respite service expansion. Respite is a range of services aimed at supporting families and individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities with/without complex health needs. For decades, these services have arranged short-term breaks or admissions of these individuals which provides relief to families or caregivers from the demands of care.
All around the globe, respite is provided under various programs, including weekend, overnight, holiday, and day care programs. Services are available in settings in the community, hospitals/institutions or in the recipient‘s own home. The literature review conducted was a scoping review that aimed to integrate the findings from reports of both quantitative and qualitative studies of respite services or respite related information around the globe. The majority of the literature collected from this study originated in the UK and Ireland.

This report was produced by request of CEO John Leggat of St.Amant and was created as a summer project by two undergraduate nursing students at the Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research (MCNHR) under the guidance of Dr. Beverley Temple. A summer internship program is offered at the MCNHR enabling students to partake in research opportunities with direct supervision of faculty members and other respected researchers.


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Our mission is to improve, through research, the quality of life of people with intellectual functioning and developmental disorders.