Free the Spirit Festival
Register to join the 2k walk or roll, or 5k or 10k run
Admission to the Festival is free!
The Free the Spirit Festival is an annual fundraiser in support of people with developmental disabilities and autism, and their families. With your help, you can enhance the quality of life for more than 2,200 people by providing opportunities to create friendships, stay active, learn, be independent, and have fun!
Run, walk, and roll together! Don’t miss your chance to register, connect, and earn rewards!
Make a Difference
Each September, families, friends, staff, volunteers, and our community at large come together to generously support this signature event in support of St.Amant Foundation.
However you choose to MOVE – Participants are invited to join the 2k walk or roll, or 5k or 10k run to challenge themselves and each other to be active while raising pledges in support of St.Amant Foundation.
There are opportunities for everyone, regardless of physical ability. Whether you register for the walk or run or visit the festival’s full day of activities which includes live music, games, kid’s activities, a 50/50 Raffle, an artisan market, and more – you are helping make a difference!
The funds you raise will provide:
Recreation and Leisure:
Connection and inclusion are everything! Your support will help to nurture physical, psychological, and emotional well-being by ensuring everyone has an opportunity to learn new skills, participate in sporting events, cultural activities, and a variety of community events, and be included in activities they love.
Personal Items & Equipment:
Wheelchairs, bikes, glasses, dental work, orthotics…the list of personal items and equipment used by people with disabilities is long and costly. Your support will help to level the playing field and ensure that everyone has the equipment and items they need to live their best life.
Education & Technology Tools and Devices:
As technology advances, the progress can be life-changing for people with disabilities. Your support will help provide the tools needed to enable people to communicate, learn and have more independence.
Visit the Free the Spirit Festival website to learn more about registering and getting involved!