NCI 1 Day
This training is open to St.Amant staff and Volunteers (exceptions apply). If you are a staff member, please speak to your supervisor to register. If you are not a St.Amant staff member, and would like more information about this training opportunity, please email
Location: 440 River Road, Room S135
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Training Overview
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training emphasizes early intervention for preventing or managing disruptive behaviour. Disengagement techniques are taught to facilitate employee safety in escalating situations.
Please contact your direct Supervisor or Safety Facilitator with any questions. To determine the NCI requirements of your position and/or for registration please contact your Supervisor. Registration is completed through Quadrant.
If you require a specific accommodation because of a disability or a medical need, please email with the details and we will do our best to accommodate you. Please contact us 7-10 days prior to your training event.
Si vous exigez des mesures d’adaptation dues à une incapacité ou une condition médicale, veuillez nous en informez en nous envoyant un courriel à l’adresse suivante: ferons de notre mieux afin de vous accommoder. Merci de nous contacter au moins 7 à 10 jours avant votre session de formation.