Our Stories

Help Influence the Provincial Budget And Save Our Sector!

January 10, 2023

Dear St.Amant Families,

This is Our LAST CHANCE to Influence The 2023/24 Provincial Budget And Save Our Sector!

St.Amant continues to face challenges in recruiting and retaining front line Support Workers. As a member of Abilities Manitoba, we are sharing their campaign message that seeks action from the Manitoba Government to address the high turnover rates, the insufficient training standards, and the dire shortage of staff available to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Manitoba.

St.Amant is asking everyone associated with our organization to participate in this campaign. Thank you to all who took the time to reach out to your MLAs to share stories and experiences around the impacts of the low government funding received by service providers.

There is still a small window of time to amplify our voice and collectively advocate but…..
The Time to Act Is NOW and WE NEED YOU!
Our government is finalizing the 2023/24 budget right now, which means this is our last chance to effect meaningful change for our sector in this upcoming fiscal year.

The time is NOW to seek immediate action from the Manitoba Government to address the high turnover rates, the insufficient training standards, and the dire shortage of staff available to support people with developmental disabilities in Manitoba. The time is NOW for individuals and families to share impact stories with their MLAs.

Voices coming from across the province and outside of Winnipeg are critical and carry a large amount of power. 
Action You Can Take:
We encourage you, along with individuals and families with whom you are connected, to write, call, or email their MLA today!

This entire group of vulnerable people is at significant risk – and we need help now.

Our Ask:

We are calling for immediate action from government to support a training program and funding for wages 60% above minimum wage and for all Direct Support Professionals. 

Community Living Manitoba has developed templates that can be used to send to your MLA this week. These templates can be edited and added to. Messages that include individual/family impact stories and personal experiences will be the most effective. 

Find contact information for your MLA at:

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