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HTS Families Update May 28 2021

May 28, 2021

Dear Health & Transition Services Families:

We really needed a turn in weather! The rain is definitely going to help our farmers and with the fires, but for everyone here at H&TS, we’ve got some spring fever! I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine today and finding time to spend outside with your loved ones this weekend.

Dr. Roussin, our Chief Provincial Public Health Officer announced an additional two-weeks of enhanced restrictions, however there is no change to our visitation guidelines. Please make appointments and come see your loved ones if you can.

There were some great dance moves on display last evening as we logged on to another virtual dance party – although it’s not as good as being in person, everyone was excited to see friends through the screen and to get their groove on.

We have not had any new Covid-19 cases this week and our team is working closely with the WRHA to ensure all eligible people supported receive their first and second doses as soon as possible. The province announced today that anyone who received their first dose of Pfizer or Moderna on or before April 3, is now eligible for a second dose. Please ensure you get your vaccines as soon as you are eligible.

Please remember to stay home and re-schedule your visit if you have even a very mild symptom – we all need to do our part to keep everyone safe.

Thank you for your ongoing support! Stay home and stay safe.
