Our Stories

Meaningful Connections Community Design Sessions Want Your Ideas

January 11, 2023

St.Amant is hosting an online meeting series, the third Wednesday of each month. People are coming together to share their amazing ideas to create authentic relationships and new connections!

Community Design sessions are the perfect place for the people we support to come, boost their confidence and dream big… or small!

Some of our design session participants have planned fun gatherings, created a plan to meet people in their community and have had the chance to get to know their neighbours.

It is a safe and positive space where all ideas are welcome!

Meaningful Connections Community Design Sessions are held every third Wednesday of each month from 1:30pm-3:30pm. Next meeting is January 18 on Microsoft Teams.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 277 705 959 745
Passcode: UgbUsn