June 11, 2024
Well, I can finally welcome everyone to summer. I’m so glad we finally get to see the sun, beautiful blooms on all the plants outside and warmer days ahead.
I’m excited to share with you all our new Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029. With the support of the Board, we worked with a remarkable consultant to take a thoughtful, listening approach that was inclusive and welcoming to everyone. More than 600 people took part in our planning process. That included people we support, families, staff, funders, advocates, other service providers and the Board itself. What we heard is that the world is changing and the unmet needs in our community are changing too.
At the same time, the beliefs that motivate us have not changed. We want children with disabilities to grow up with their families and in their communities. We want to see them thrive in school and have the best childhoods they can. We want to see adults with disabilities recognized as full citizens who are respected and participate in their communities.
Our new strategic plan has four Focus Areas (i.e., strategic priorities): Innovation and Capacity Building; Inclusion and Quality of Life; Quality Services; and Healthy Team. I invite you to please read our strategic plan to learn more about each of them. For now, I will touch on our Mission Statement and Commitment Statements.
Mission Statement
Our Board approved a new mission statement:
Supporting Manitobans with disabilities to have good health, independence, meaningful relationships, and valued social roles by providing high quality, person and family-centred services and advocacy.
Previously, our Mission Statement referred to specific diagnoses, such as intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism and acquired brain injury. Our funders ultimately decide the eligibility criteria for our various services, and the change in mission statement won’t impact who can access which services. So you may be wondering about the significance of the change.
Simply put, our mission statement describes how we, as St.Amant, understand our purpose: to turn towards unmet needs; to see and respect people for who they are; and to walk alongside them on their journey. Where we are able, we will strive to support people based on their needs.
Commitment Statements
This strategic plan is the first to include commitment statements. In addition to our Mission, Vision, Values and Focus Areas, we have made commitments to Truth & Reconciliation, diversity and equity, accessibility, sustainability and human rights.
How are commitment statements different from Focus Areas? Focus Areas highlight specific priorities. Commitments are like threads woven into the fabric of everything we do. Commitments don’t fit in just one focus area. For example, our Truth & Reconciliation Action plan informs our efforts around a healthy team as well as our evolving understanding of what quality service looks like.
Please join me if you can on June 24, 2024 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. on Zoom at our Families Town Hall where we will celebrate accomplishments from our previous strategic plan and go into more detail about the new 2024-2029 strategic plan.
Thank you and have a safe and wonderful summer.
Kind regards,