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Message from the CEO

photo of St.Amant CEO Ben Adaman over background featuring snowflakes.

February 4, 2025

Rainbow design bar

Hi everyone, here is my message for the month.

This is a very exciting time at St.Amant: the Community Residential Program (CRP) continues to open many new homes. In total, twenty-two people will move into seven new homes by early spring. Most of them are moving out of Health & Transition Services (HTS). Every day, I see staff from CRP in HTS. They are learning from HTS staff and building relationships with the people they will soon be supporting in community. It is an inspiring example of our core values of collaboration, hospitality, excellence, and respect in action. I am very impressed with the teamwork and focus on making sure each person moving to community will have a successful transition and a good, meaningful life in their new home.

As we welcome more people to the community, we want to make sure they can stay there even if their health needs change. We are lucky to have an incredible team of nurse consultants and clinical staff who work with people in community. They train direct support staff on how to meet a person’s changing needs, make recommendations on home modifications, if needed, and work with staff in hospital to make sure discharge home is safe and successful.

We also want to make sure that people can age in place within their communities. Currently, nearly one third of the people supported by CRP are over the age of 50. We know that, as people age, their needs will continue to change. We are proactively preparing for these changes through our strategic initiative, Aging Supports in Community. Our first step is developing a framework to guide dementia-related supports.

Aging adults with intellectual disabilities are more likely to experience age-related brain health concerns, including dementia, than the general population – and at a younger age. Assessing and recognizing signs of dementia early means we can adapt supports so that people can be active in their community for as long as possible. Our planning is guided by The Canadian Guide for Community Care and Supports for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia. One of our early goals is to complete dementia screening for all adults we support residentially who have reached milestone ages. Where needed, we will train staff on dementia care and update support plans.

St.Amant is one of the few organizations that provides supports for every stage of life, from infancy to end of life. We strongly believe that people of all ages have a right to full lives in their communities. As the people we support get older, we will continue to walk alongside them.

Finally, I would like to share St.Amant’s Position on Discrimination and Racism. The position statement is endorsed by our Board and reflects our deep commitment to a community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. As we navigate a time of uncertainty, our values will continue to guide our decisions.

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