August 8, 2017

Online survey: Quality of life of children with autism


QoL Study picture
The University of New Brunswick is conducting a study examining the well-being of school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We invite you to participate in this study.
If you choose to participate, you will complete an online questionnaire. The survey takes most people approximately 20 minutes to complete all of the questions. You will be asked to complete demographic questions and questions about the child’s autism symptoms, behaviours, functional skills, task persistence, parent’s mental well-being, sibling type, school type, reciprocal friendships, and participation in activities.
You may choose to enter into a draw for one of five chances to win $20.00 USD . Your answers will provide important information for helping professionals to better understand the quality of life of children with ASD.
This study will not collect any personal information such as your name or address. All information will be kept strictly confidential. The data are stored on a secure server on the University of New Brunswick website. The server is protected by a firewall. Data will be stored on password-protected computers that only the researchers have access to.
Participation is completely voluntary.You may choose not to answer a specific item and continue with the questionnaires. You may also choose not to continue the study for any reason at any time by closing your browser. Your data can only be used by the researchers after you click the submit button at the end of the survey.
If you have questions at any time, please contact Mandy Fulton at, or Dr. D’Entremont at
This project is on file with the Research Ethics Board at the University of New Brunswick (REB#2016-125). If you have questions or concerns about your rights or treatment as a participant please contact the Chair of the UNB Department of Psychology Ethics Board at


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Our mission is to improve, through research, the quality of life of people with intellectual functioning and developmental disorders.