June 16, 2015
Ronnie loves to explore. Noticing his desire for broader daily experiences, the staff who support Ronnie at St.Amant arranged for him to move from River Road Place, where he grew up, to one of our organization’s 55 community homes. His new home is in a suburban neighbourhood where he now lives with two roommates who have welcomed him with open arms. Since the move, Ronnie has seen a whole new world and has grown as a person.
“His independence has really begun to show. Even though he can’t speak, he definitely lets us know what he wants to do by leading us to his computer or more often than not to his shoes!” said support worker Mitch Darr.
Ronnie adores discovering new sights and sounds; from visiting Birds Hill Park to driving around in the community; he likes to be on the go. Ronnie enjoys being surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. He’s happy just lying on a blanket in the grass and gazing up into the sky. Listening to music at home gets him dancing and laughing, while the smell of food cooking in the kitchen makes Ronnie come investigate.
“Ronnie loves foods with lots of flavour. He really enjoys garlicky and spicy foods,” said Mitch. Sweets like Jell-O and ice cream bring a smile to his face. Ronnie recently attended his first Goldeyes’ game at Shaw Park. Ronnie enjoyed the crack of the bat, watching the players run the bases and the cheers from the crowd. It was just one of many new experiences that touch all of his senses.
“Each day Ronnie gets to experience something new. There’s excitement and fulfillment in each of his days,” said Mitch.