St.Amant’s Foster Services Respite works with families to welcome children and youth with complex care needs into their homes. Our licensed Respite Providers open their homes to provide a nurturing and safe space and encourage each child in their care to make their own choices, gain important life skills and participate in new opportunities. Accessing Respite affords the child or youth’s full-time Foster Provider some relief from the everyday demands of caring for children and youth with complex needs.
While attending Respite the children and youth will receive dedicated one-to-one supports from either a primary licensed Respite Provider, or both a primary and a secondary in the Respite Provider’s family home.
On average, families utilize respite 4 days per month (bi-weekly or on weekends). However, in some planned circumstances, respite may be provided for an extended period of time.
Medical services, clinical services and Direct Support Professionals are not included in St.Amant’s Foster Services Respite stays.
Who Qualifies?
Children (0 to 18 years) of age in the care of Child and Family Services are eligible to be referred to St.Amant Foster Services.
With a referral from:
- Child and Family Services
- Referrals can be made by completing an Initial Inquiry Form and sent to Central Intake at intake@stamant.ca
There is currently a waitlist for Foster Services at St.Amant
Can my family member be transported to and from school, work, or day program while receiving respite?
Yes, we work with families and schools to determine the best way for this to happen.
Can I access this service on an emergency basis?
No, this service is not available on an emergency basis.
Are visitors allowed during a respite stay?
As respite stays occur in the provider’s personal residence, visits in the home would be dependent on the comfort level of the Respite Provider. If visits are important to the well-being of the person supported and their family member, we would work with all parties to support this to occur.
What types of activities and recreation are offered?
Respite Providers welcome children and youth into their family homes and lives. The child or youth is seen as part of the family and would participate in any family events going on (celebrations, dinners, etc). The Respite Provider would also provide opportunities for the child to access activities or events in the community that interest them, such as but not limited to, going to the movies, going out for dinner, shopping, the zoo, museums, the park, playing games and more.
Do you have to be COVID-19 vaccinated to access the service?
We strongly encourage COVID-19 vaccinations for all persons, however, vaccination approval is subject to each child’s legal guardian. COVID-19 vaccinations are mandatory for Foster Providers, Respite Providers, and St.Amant employees.
Please reach out to St.Amant Central Intake
at 204-258-7041 for more information.