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St.Amant Makes 100 Difference Makers List

December 30, 2014

Manitobans have long been considered to be the most generous in Canada and CS3 Partners are celebrating a great year in community service by recognizing 100 Difference Makers in the province. From providing shelter to the homeless, feeding the hungry, comforting a cancer patient, or making sure children are safe, these 100 Difference Makers are helping to improve the quality of life for many Manitobans. St.Amant was fortunate to be named on the list.

“This list of 100 includes individuals, non-profits and businesses throughout Manitoba that have contributed time, money, services, or ideas to help make Manitoba a better place to live and do business,” said Tom Scott, a Director from CS3 Partners. “They all deserve to be recognized and honoured. They are true role models.”
Lisa Tjaden from Radiance Gifts has participated in the annual CEO Sleepout and recently teamed up with the Never Alone Foundation in providing wellness tools for those receiving cancer treatments. “It’s not just part of our corporate footprint,” Tjaden stated. “It’s a commitment and a desire to make this a better world for all,” she said.
“More and more individuals and organizations are realizing the importance of working together,” said Scott. “One person can’t change the world, but they can start a movement.” This list not only represents dollars raised, but millions of hours of volunteer time and engagement and sometimes that’s all it takes.”
This year’s list includes some well-known personalities such as Ace Burpee and Mayor Brian Bowman and also the names of some quiet heroes like Lisa Webinger, Callie’s Backpack and Lunches with Love.
“It’s an honour to recognize these 100 Difference Makers for 2014 and we’re excited to see what they do in 2015,” said Scott.
CS3 Partners develops great people who build great non-profits with great partners that, connected together, drive great impact in our community.
Top 100 Difference Makers (in no particular order)

  1. Kelly Hemmett
  2. Never Alone Foundation
  3. Lisa Webinger
  4. Lisa Dyck
  5. Cornell Crème
  6. Jodi Moskal
  7. Kevin Anseeuw
  8. Lyle Bauer
  9. Radiance Gifts
  10. Floyd Wiebe
  11. Shelley Cook
  12. Kevin Chief
  13. Sachit Mehra
  14. Brian Bowman
  15. Michael Champagne
  16. Sean Barnes – PCL Construction
  17. Albert El Tassi
  18. Althea Guiboche
  19. Brian Scharfstein
  20. Siloam Mission
  21. Callie Costello
  22. Sierra Noble
  23. Chief Devon Clunis
  24. Chris Loewen
  25. Floyd Perras
  26. Lynne Marie Roy
  27. Mohamed El Tassi
  28. Mohammad Almaleki
  29. Spencer Fernando
  30. Stefano Grande
  31. Ally Beauchesne
  32. Dave Cunnin
  33. Agape Table
  34. Doug Speirs
  35. Nancy Chippendale
  36. MacDonald Youth Services
  37. Joseph Ranseth
  38. Winnipeg Harvest
  39. Danny Boyko
  40. Salvation Army
  41. Boys & Girls Club
  42. Jocelyn House
  43. St.Amant
  44. Ron Cantiveros
  45. Andrea Robin
  46. Kal Barteski
  47. Kirsten Godbout
  48. Christmas Cheer Board
  49. Lisa Tjaden
  50. The Broadway Neighbourhood Centre
  51. Spence Neighbourhood Association
  52. Belinda Squance
  53. Trudy Lavallee
  54. Susie Erjavec Parker
  55. Ace Burpee
  56. Villa Rosa
  57. Marymound
  58. Hoodies For Homeless
  59. Winnipeg Police Service
  60. Manitoba Marathon
  61. Rossbrook House
  62. Lunches With Love
  63. Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation
  64. RAY
  65. PCL Construction
  66. Volunteer Winnipeg
  67. Hal Anderson
  68. Missing Manitoba
  69. My Team Triumph
  70. Winnipeg Boldness Project
  71. DASCH
  72. Varity Manitoba
  73. Goodbear
  74. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata
  75. Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Council
  76. KidSport Winnipeg
  77. Arlisa Greco
  78. North End Family Centre
  79. Transplant Manitoba
  80. Mike Duerksen
  81. Larry Macintosh
  82. Marie and Kirby Fontaine
  83. Shirlee Preteau
  84. Michael Schiefer
  85. Dave Black
  86. Ian McCausland
  87. Norway House Animal
  88. Décor Cabinets
  89. Varity Manitoba
  90. Drew (Putty)
  91. Shine Dental
  92. Stacey Shott
  93. Winnipeg Sun
  94. Paul Bennett
  95. Atticus McIlraith
  96. Jeff McWhinney
  97. Winnipeg Free Press
  98. Mark Chipman
  99. Gail Asper
  100. Joe Aiello

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