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St. Vital Centre Gift Wrap & Coat Check Volunteers Needed

November 1, 2013

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Love to gift wrap? Why not volunteer to help wrap gifts at St. Vital Centre during the month of December? Proceeds go towards St.Amant, and last year we raised over $20,000! This year we will be gift wrapping and checking coats in a vacant store by the food hall from December 1-24 & 26. If you would like to sign up, or need more information, please contact Jocelyne Nicolas at 204-258-7050 or jnicolas@stamant.ca.
Shifts available are:
Mondays through Saturdays: 9am-12pm, 12pm-3pm & 3pm-6pm
Saturdays: 6pm-9pm
Sundays: 9am-12pm, 12pm-3pm & 3pm-6pm.