Our Stories

Update to Autism Programs Families

July 24, 2020

Dear Families,
With the opening of the classroom at 440 River Road this week, I am happy to share that all of our classrooms are now operating. The children and staff were happy to reunite. The renovated classroom space is working very well. We are grateful to all families for their patience as we screen your children as part of the public health directives before welcoming them in for the day. Over the next few weeks we will be working towards being back at full capacity in all classroom locations.
This week we will continue to be in touch with families who do not have access to their usual child care centre. We are optimistic that we will be able to identify alternative service options that work for your family.
With services up and running, this will be the last weekly update, however, we are committed to updating families as changes unfold or as we have news to share. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us as well – we rely on you to let us know how services are working for your family and value any feedback you have for us.
We would like to thank every one of you for being so patient, flexible, and supportive over the past few months. This has truly been a team effort to ensure that we have been able to continue focusing on your children and their services. We are unsure as to what fall will bring,  but we will continue to plan and prepare for any scenario as best we can, and will provide updates to your family as they become available.
Wishing you all a great weekend,
Kerri Walters, PhD, C.Psych., BCBA-D
Director, Autism Programs and Psychology Services

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