February 19, 2021
Dear Health & Transition Services Families,
We received great news today! Eligible adults within Health & Transition Services have been scheduled to receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine March 1. Thank you to everyone for working with the Pharmacy team to get the consents in place. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll be sure to take photos and document this exciting day.
Health & Transition Services has also been approved for asymptomatic testing of staff. All staff who work on site at 440 River Road, in a role that supports the people receiving services through H&TS or our team will be eligible for asymptomatic testing. The goal is to do everything we can to proactively prevent future outbreaks. We have some work to do to get the clinic set-up with a goal of going live March 2.
Our outbreak status remains status quo with no further positive cases and we should be out of outbreak status March 6.
With a vaccination date in place and the outbreak stable, we are feeling very optimistic. The weather also looks like it’s taking a turn for the better; I’m sure everyone we support is looking forward to some sunshine and fresh air! We continue to focus on meaningful recreation and personalized supports. A number of students from local schools sent Valentines this past weekend – what a lovely gift of friendship – I think everyone felt very loved knowing so many people were holding them in their hearts.
I wish you all a good week.
Sarah Mankelow
Director, Health & Transition Services