Our Stories

Update to Health & Transition Services Families – March 19, 2021

March 19, 2021

Dear Health & Transition Services Families,
COVID-19 vaccine eligibility continues to expand in Manitoba. You can now book your appointment online at https://protectmb.ca/making-your-appointment-is-easy/, if you’re eligible. You can check your eligibility at https://protectmb.ca/eligible-groups/, it is updated every day or so. I encourage all of you to get your vaccine. It is safe and strongly recommended for all people who interact with vulnerable people. . Speaking of the vaccine, Monday is another big day at Health & Transition Services, as eligible adults will receive their second dose of the vaccine!
Lower case numbers and warmer weather bring a sense of hope but we are not letting our guard down. With variants of concern out there, the fundamentals of distancing, PPE use, hand hygiene, and staying home when ill are more important than ever. Thank you to everyone for following these important guidelines while visiting!
Folks are getting outside in the gardens and enjoying the weather and I hope you find time to get outside safely and enjoy it too. Andrew Terhoch is busy planning virtual and one on one celebrations for the upcoming holiday season with those who are interested in participating. A big thank you to Andrew and all of our staff for keeping the spiritual health needs of everyone a priority.
Here is a link to a video of a baton twirling performance that many people really enjoyed last week, both outside safely and from their windows!
I wish you all a peaceful and pleasant weekend,
Sarah Mankelow
Director, Health & Transition Services

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