April 22, 2022
Good Afternoon Families,
I wanted to provide an update about our COVID-19 status at Health and Transition Services and share some information on upcoming programs and services.
We continue to see a regular occurrence of COVID-19 in staff and the people we support. This week we officially declared our outbreaks over in Adult Services East and WestUnfortunately we are now faced with a new outbreak on Adult Services West – and awaiting test results on Child and Young Adult West.
We continue to remain vigilant with our PPE practices and adherence to self-screening. We check in with staff regularly to ensure they have the most up-to-date understanding of COVID-19 symptoms and highlight the importance of staying home if they are symptomatic. We’re confident this is helping minimize the exposure risk to our staff and your loved ones.
I know we are all so very desperate for sunnier and warmer days and we all hope this rainy weekend will be the last of these cold and dreary days for a while.
As a result of our COVID-19 risk and the need to remain indoors we will remain closed to general visitation this weekend.
We look forward to welcoming all visitors back to H&TS for internal visits when we start to gain control of our COVID-19 cases and external visits in our Buhler Garden when the weather warms up.
In the meantime, please reach out to a manager or unit staff if you wish to schedule a virtual visit.
We are still offering recreational opportunities to your family members. We’re hosting small group activities on the units including the Queen’s Birthday celebration, creating jubilee activities and decorating for spring. We are still having 1:1 activities in room, including dramatic storytelling, arts and game and spa activities.
Spiritual Care services are open to individuals on non-outbreak units in the chapel this weekend or alternatively streamed live via video monitors in the common areas.
I’m happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have about these ever-changing days, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Jennifer Busch
Senior Manager, Programs and Services – Health and Transition Services