February 10, 2021
Dear St.Amant Families,
We’ve had a few new cases of COVID-19 connected to St.Amant, beginning this past weekend. One case is our first in someone who is supported in multiple programs. The case was initially identified within Respite through Health and Transition Services, and is supported regularly through our Foster Care Services. This person was also supported by the Health & Transition Services side of St.Amant School. A great example of the many potential touchpoints that one person with COVID-19 can have within our organization as we know that many people we support receive services from different areas. The good news is that all of the COVID-19 protocols were well followed and the changes we have made to programming and space limited the potential interactions with staff and people we support. As a result the impact through contract tracing was minimal.
In addition to this case (which we’re reporting as a Community Services case on our dashboard), we also had one person we support in the Community Residential Program (CRP) and two staff in CRP test positive over the past week. Everyone who has tested positive is feeling well.
This has also highlighted for us that just because symptoms aren’t present, we still need to be diligent with our Personal Protective Equipment. A few of the people who tested positive were not showing any symptoms. Please continue to use your PPE carefully and appropriately when visiting.
We have had ongoing communication with the Province of Manitoba and specifically with Dr. Reimer who is leading the vaccine rollout with regard to accessing the vaccine for people we support. They have confirmed their understanding of the need for the vulnerable people we support to receive the vaccine and said that the people at H&TS are slated within the top 10% of “congregate living” groups. They have reiterated that the issues with vaccine supply is the main reason for the delay. We expect to receive a letter soon from the Province that will further explain the process, the supply disruption and a clearer understanding of how the distribution will proceed. We remain optimistic.
We also had word that Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) is moving forward to book appointments for staff who work in group homes. They will prioritize staff by age.
Your support, as family members is truly integral to managing our response to this pandemic and ensuring the wellbeing of your loved ones. Thank you for continuing to stay connected, optimistic and supportive. We truly appreciate your kindness and involvement.
John Leggat
President & CEO