May 29, 2023
Donate today and your gift doubles!

June 1, 2023
Dear Reader,
Hello! My name is Brenda, and I’m a volunteer at St.Amant. I’m writing to you to share about a project that’s very important to me and will improve the lives of children supported by St.Amant.
Have you recently watched a young child play? Maybe your own child, a grandchild, or the son or daughter of a friend or family member?
If so, you know the joy of hearing an uninhibited laugh or witnessing a smile that lights up a small face. And you know the importance of play for all kids.
Today, I’m asking for your help to create a dedicated play area for children with complex medical needs.
Some of these children need a little extra medical support or rehabilitation services before they can go back home. Others come for short respite stays or sometimes, end-of-life care.
No matter the reason for their visit, each child has access to a support team with a wide variety of skills and expertise. This means children are getting the highest level of care in an out-of-hospital setting, and for that, I’m so grateful.
As a volunteer “baby cuddler”, I get to focus on play, companionship and making meaningful connections.
But as you know, play isn’t just for fun. It’s an essential part of a child’s development!
Over the years, I’ve connected with dozens of kids at St.Amant. Some have been infants, while others have been toddlers, school-aged kids, teens and young adults.

No matter how old they are, each child is special, and they have their own unique personalities, gifts and challenges. And one thing is universal… all kids want to PLAY!
The kids I support need your help.
The lounge area currently used for play is a small, shared space for children of all ages and their families. This means the singing of nursery rhymes to a baby sometimes interrupts a teenager that is trying to watch TV.
There is an alternate space earmarked to be a dedicated play area but it desperately needs renovation. We need your donation to make it a reality!
The current space is currently very beige, with a hodgepodge of shelving and scuffed-up walls, as well as flooring in dire need of replacement. Can you help turn this into a bright colourful space?
It needs a fresh coat of paint, some cheerful murals, and a complete overhaul of seating options and toys that meet the needs of children of all ages and abilities.
Your gift will create a new adaptive, accessible play area by:
- exchanging fluorescent lights for fiber optic light stands, lamps with dimmers and bubble tubes to improve accessibility for children with light sensitivities
- allowing little ones to get down on the floor to explore and move on mats and blocks with soft edges of various heights to practice sitting, crawling, and standing
- purchasing new adapted toys and sensory equipment
- replacing damaged books with durable, colourful reading material for kids of all ages
As a mom, I’m asking you to put yourself in the shoes of every parent who trusts St.Amant to create a fun, comfortable and welcoming space.
My motto is “Make it count” and I do my best to make every day meaningful. I work in the corporate world, and during my most stressful times, I often find myself counting down the days or hours until my next volunteer shift. St.Amant is my happy place and you can help make it even happier!
Your support today will create an amazing play area for the children supported by St.Amant and bring joy to them and their loved ones. Can the kids and I count on your support?
Volunteer Baby Cuddler
P.S. Like me, I know you want to brighten the lives of the children supported by St.Amant and give them every opportunity to play! Visit to give today!
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