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St.Amant Bingo Begins May 4

April 27, 2015

The Appreciation & Recognition Committee’s St.Amant Bingo starts May 4 and it is your chance to win a Garmin Fitbit or one of two Garmin 7′ GB tablets!
Numbers will be posted on the intranet, my.stamant.ca, Monday – Friday, with double numbers drawn on Mondays and Fridays from May 4 to May 29 or until all three prizes are won.
One sheet per person will be given out and you can only win once. There are three bingo squares per sheet and a win is one blacked out square.
Instructions were accompanied with cards that were handed out earlier this month, if you haven’t picked yours up yet they’re available at the front desk. They were also delivered to staff in the community. You can access the intranet from home on your tablet, computer or smartphone, visit my.stamant.ca.