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Webinar: Practical Functional Assessment & Treatment of Problem Behavior of Persons with Autism

January 9, 2017

Practical Functional Assessment & Treatment of Problem Behavior of Persons with Autism by Greg Hanley, Ph.D.

Event Details

  • Start: 13 January 2017 8:30 am

The morning will have A Focus on a Safer, Faster, and Still Effective Process: Behavioral intervention can be effective for addressing problem behaviors like meltdowns, self-injury, or aggression, especially when a functional assessment is conducted to determine why the problem behavior is occurring. A number of myths regarding the functional assessment process, which appear to be pervasive within different research and practice communities, will be reviewed in the context of an attempt to develop new lore regarding the functional assessment process. Frequently described obstacles to implementing a critical aspect of the functional assessment process, the functional analysis, will be reviewed in the context of new solutions for overcoming them.

The afternoon will have A Focus on Strengthening Socially Important Behavior of Persons with Autism: The success of treatments for problem behaviors associated with autism like meltdowns, self-injury, or aggression is largely dependent on whether the treatment is based on the function the problem behavior serves for the person with autism. But because of the seemingly obligatory focus on detecting the impact of single variables in good behavior analytic research, effective behavioral technology is often fractured across studies, resulting in a dearth of studies showing socially valid improvements in these problem behaviors and an absence of studies illustrating the treatment process from start to finish. In this session, an effective, comprehensive, and parent-validated treatment process for the problem behaviors associated with autism will be described.

hanley-bio-picDr. Hanley has been applying the principles of learning to improve socially important behaviors of children and adults with and without disabilities for over 25 years. He worked and trained at the Kennedy Krieger Institute of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, was degreed at the University of Florida, was tenured at the University of Kansas, and is currently a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Behavior Analysis Doctoral Program and the Life Skills Clinic, both at Western New England University, and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Hanley has published over 100 book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals in areas such as the assessment, intervention, and prevention of problem behavior, and evidence-based values. Dr. Hanley is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 25), past Editor of Behavior Analysis in Practice, and a past Associate Editor of The Behavior Analyst, and current Editor of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

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