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Province-wide online autism education launches for Manitoba parents, families, educators, and community organizations

April 2, 2020

Free, person and family-centred web-based system announced on World Autism Awareness Day (April 2, 2020) 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, St.Amant Autism Programs is announcing that it has significantly ramped-up its capacity to provide free online training for any Manitoban who supports, lives, or works with a person who has autism spectrum disorder.
As schools across Manitoba identify innovative ways to indefinitely support students and families with various online learning systems, St.Amant’s expertise and leadership in autism awareness and education is needed now, perhaps more than ever.
“The pressures that families, schools, and children are facing right now are unprecedented. So much rapid adjustment at one time can leave people feeling overwhelmed, isolated, even frightened. And that’s why St.Amant wants to make things easier in these distressing times,” said Brendan Boehr, Behavior Analyst and the Coordinator of Clinical Education & Training who provides St.Amant’s live, online Fulfilling Potential Workshop Series training.
“As of today, we can virtually accommodate up to 500 people at a time in our webinars. This means that all Manitobans who want to learn more about effective behavioural supports, the influence of disability, the characteristics of autism, and about human behaviour in general can now conveniently access high-quality training, based firmly in the scientific literature.” 
The Fulfilling Potential Workshop Series content is especially valuable for families of children with autism, and it also serves unique professional training and development needs of those in the education system and other organizations, agencies, and individuals who support neurodiverse children, youth, or adults, including people with autism, ADHD, and other conditions.
Last week, Boehr provided autism awareness training to new recruits with the Winnipeg Police Service.
“We can learn more about our own behaviour and the behaviours of all people, when we learn about autism and disability. The best support is an informed and inclusive community and we all have a role to play in supporting others as they reach their full potential.”
St.Amant’s approach to autism education is person and family-centred and workshops can be customized to meet individualized needs of groups large or small.

To register or to get more information, please contact April Plett at aplett@stamant.ca.

These workshops are a user-friendly introduction to practical concepts and strategies for teaching skills and managing challenging behaviour with compassion and effectiveness. Classes are developed and instructed by Manitoba’s leading experts in applied behaviour analysis. 

This series is open to individuals and teams who support or work with people who present challenging behavioural needs – especially individuals with developmental disabilities or autism. The Fulfilling Potential Workshop Series is especially helpful for those who support children. However, our content is also relevant to youth and adults
Upcoming Fulfilling Potential Workshop Webinar Series:
 May 7 – June 11, 2020 | 6:30pm-9pm 
May 7:       Understanding & Managing Challenging Behaviour 1
May 14:     Understanding & Managing Challenging Behaviour 2
May 21:     Effective Goals & Teaching Strategies 1
May 28:     Effective Goals & Teaching Strategies 2
June 4:      Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder and ABA
June 11:    Potty Training Like a Pro
In our workshops you can learn:

  • Tips for teaching valuable life, academic, social, and play skills, communication, self-management, and more.
  • Understanding and managing challenging behaviour of all kinds.
  • Overview of autism spectrum disorder, including diagnostic criteria.
  • Strategies for the classroom, home, and community settings.
  • Introduction to behaviour science and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
  • Many examples and case studies, including applications with adults, children, employees, students, and those with and without developmental or learning disabilities.

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Applied Behaviour Analysis

Participants are introduced to the common signs and symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The goal in class 1 is for participants to have a better underst anding of what life is like for kids with autism and to imagine how the symptoms of autism can influence the skills and knowledge that children develop as they grow up.

Underst anding & Managing Challenging Behaviour 1

**This class is a prerequisite for Underst anding & Managing Challenging Behaviour 2**
In this class, participants are introduced to a practical way of underst anding challenging behaviour. Using the tools of Applied Behaviour Analysis, participants will be empowered to investigate the causes of challenging behaviour in the lives of the people they support. This class is an essential prerequisite for Challenging Behaviour 2, in which today’s knowledge will be used to begin developing behaviour support plans.

Underst anding & Managing Challenging Behaviour 2

**Participants must first complete Underst anding & Managing Challenging Behaviour 1**
Challenging behaviour can be disruptive, it can be an impediment to learning important skills, and it can interfere with the development of meaningful relationships with peers. In the last class, participants were introduced to the behavioural interpretation of challenging behaviour, why it happens, and the elements in our environment that influence learning. Today we will use that knowledge to begin developing behaviour support plans of our own to help the people we care about to reach their fullest potential.

Effective Goals and Teaching Strategies

We are usually pretty good at identifying big-picture, long-term goals for the people we support (e.g. more independence, meaningful relationships, academic skills, etc.) It can be much more difficult; however, to establish a step-by-step process to reach those goals that takes into account the individual’s strengths, preferences, and unique challenges. Today, effective teaching strategies will be introduced to help participants set goals, teach important skills, and remain optimistic about the future.

Potty Training Like a Pro

In this class, participants will learn to potty train like a pro! Readiness signs for toilet training are covered, and a behavioural plan to toilet training is explained. Practical tips and discussion about common barriers met during toilet training are also a part of this interactive workshop.

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