April 29, 2021
Dear Community Residential Program Families,
We have received a new circular from the Department of Families that clarifies in-home and outdoor visits with this week’s new public health orders.
Residential care facilities (CRP shift-staffed homes) are not considered private residences for the purposes of the public health orders. Given this, some flexibility remains in place for visits to residential care facilities.
A “designated visitor” is any person the resident and/or their substitute decision maker chooses as a person who may visit the resident inside their CRP home. This may include a family member, friend, advocate or someone in the resident’s support network. It does not include other support staff. Each resident may designate up to two visitors.
Inside CRP shift-staffed homes:
- One of the residents’ designated visitors may visit inside the home at a time. The total number of visitors inside must not exceed one at any time.
- For visits inside a CRP home, designated visitors must comply with the same personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements as the staff working in the home.
Outside CRP shift-staffed homes:
- One or both of the residents’ designated visitors may visit outside (on a deck or in backyard) the CRP home at a time. The total number of visitors outside the home must not exceed two at any time.
- For visits outside a CRP home, visitors are encouraged to wear a mask during the visit. Cloth masks are acceptable.
The total number of visitors to a residential care facility/CRP shift-staff home cannot exceed three (one indoor visitor and two outdoor visitors) at any time.
Out-of-home visitation:
- The public health orders allow a person who lives alone to have one other person with whom they regularly interact visit their home. Given this, CLDS participants can visit the home of one person who lives alone if they regularly interact with that person and are the only authorized visitor to the home.
- If the CLDS participant requires a support staff to accompany them during the visit, the staff is permitted to attend the home.
We encourage family members, friends and support network members to connect by telephone, social media or virtually to minimize in-person visits. People can also attend a gathering at an outdoor public place (not a private residence) of up to 10 people. If support staff accompany them during the gathering, the staff is included in the count.
We know this is extremely hard and are committed to helping in any way in maintaining connections. These orders are in place until Wednesday, May 26 but could end earlier if we all do our part in help stopping the spread.
Thank you for your support and understanding during this incredibly difficult time.
Peter Duff
Director, Community Residential Program