September 15, 2020
Good evening,
It’s been a busy couple of days, but I wanted to take a minute to share a few updates related to the positive COVID-19 case within Health & Transition Services. Today, we completed the contact tracing and I’m happy to say that there was only one additional staff person identified as a potential close contact. That person is not showing any symptoms and is home, self-isolating for 14 days.
All the people we support continue to be symptom-free and we are monitoring them closely multiple times a day. As with all potential exposures, we will be doing this frequent monitoring for 14 days.
Staff continues to be diligent with the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment, physical distancing, hand hygiene, self-screening for symptoms before coming to work, and staying home when ill.
Your family members are in good spirits and are being well supported to maintain recreation and leisure activities and to live as normally as possible.
Thank you for your messages of compassion and support – we are very grateful to all of you for your kindness and understanding.
Sarah Mankelow
Director, Health & Transition Services