November 12, 2020
I’m pleased to announce that visitation is now allowed for the Family Designated Caregivers. Contact tracing has been completed since Stabilization Services staff tested positive on Saturday and no symptoms have appeared in people supported by Health & Transition Services.
One of the two designated visitors can visit at a time for Adult Services, Child & Young Adult Health Services, and Adult Health Services between 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Visits remain suspended in Stabilization Services.
Visitors will be screened and provided a medical mask to wear for the duration of their visit.
Please be aware that if/when there is an outbreak within Health & Transition Services, the family designated caregivers are included in the contact tracing phone calls. You will be asked whether you wore PPE appropriately throughout the visit, how long you were here, did you maintain physical distancing, as any deviation from these fundamental increase the exposure risk to your family members and yourselves.
Thank you,
Joanne van Dyck
Senior Manager, Health & Transition Services