May 31, 2021
To the St.Amant Community,
It’s hard to put into words the shock and grief we’re feeling after hearing the remains of 215 children were found at a residential school in Kamloops, B.C. this weekend. As an organization that both includes Indigenous staff and provides services to Indigenous people, we are accountable for the horrific harms committed in the past and we are also accountable for the harms we are still inflicting today. Every time an Indigenous child or adult has to leave their family and community to receive services many of us take for granted, we are accountable for this inequity. We are accountable for the Colonial system we use to deliver health and social services in a manner that disadvantages Indigenous people.
This news brings sadness, grief, guilt, shame, horror and many more emotions that we can’t even name. Every person’s experience is individual, how closely this affects us differs; we don’t want to claim to know how best to help you in this time. Andrew Terhoch, our Spiritual Health Practitioner is available to the people we support and staff, please reach out if you would like some assistance. We also have supports for all staff through EAP. Réseau Compassion Network will be extending their lunch time meditation tomorrow and hosting a sharing circle, anyone is welcome to join through Zoom.
Reconciliation means bearing witness to the truth of our past and our present. We want St.Amant to be a safe, equitable place for everyone we support and for every member of our community. We know we still have work to do.
John Leggat
President & CEO