July 14, 2023
“It felt really great to graduate!”
That’s the first thing Chad Gillert said when asked about his most recent accomplishment. This summer, Chad graduated from the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program at the Louis Riel Arts and Technology Center (ATC).

Chad is a Nutrition Services Direct Aid at St.Amant and is well-liked by everyone who knows him.
“At first, I never thought I would go to ATC, and when someone told me I should give it a try, I felt hesitant. But when I walked through the doors and started, I loved it.”
When it comes to his future, Chad is optimistic.
“I hope that the future brings me an opportunity to work at a daycare program, and I will tell you why.
When I was little, I used to go to RRCC (River Road Child Care) at St.Amant, and I remember the staff there were really great. They made a difference in my life, and I felt inspired to do the same.

Now I want to work on helping children to grow and develop toward a great future. I want to make a difference in their lives.”

former RRCC’s Coordinator Jacqueline Poersch-Burns (right).
As a recently graduated Early Childhood Educator, Chad couldn’t be happier to take his chosen path.
“During my work practicum, I could see that the staff and children at daycare were very proud of me. When I walked through the doors, I could see the little eyes looking up at me and saying Chad!!!
One day, I was working at a daycare. One child made a drawing of him and me, with hearts and sun, and it said ‘Love.’

Every time I look at that picture, it reminds me of why I became an ECE.
That helped me stay motivated and do my best during the program.”
“My ECE teacher Michele Grant taught many great techniques I didn’t know.
I remember one time, during an in-class observation, I started using one technique she taught me. I could see an immediate and big difference with the children.
“If anyone is considering taking the ECE program at ATC, I recommend it. It is the best vocational high school not only for ECE but also if you want to be an electrician, a plumber, or a culinary professional, along with many other opportunities.”
Congratulations, Chad! May the future brings you all the opportunities you want to continue being an inspiration.