July 9, 2018
Most of us feel compassion when a close friend is struggling. What would it be like to receive the same caring attention whenever you needed it most? All that’s required is a shift in the direction of our attention—recognizing that as a human being, you, too, are a worthy recipient of compassion.
In this program, you’ll learn:
- how to stop being so hard on yourself
- how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease
- how to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
- how to transform difficult relationships, both old and new
- mindfulness and self-compassion practices for home and everyday life
- the theory and research behind mindful self-compassion
- how to become your own best teacher
A randomized, controlled trial demonstrated that the MSC program significantly increased self-compassion, compassion for others, mindfulness, and life satisfaction, as well as decreased depression, anxiety and stress. Improvements were linked to how much a person practised mindfulness and self-compassion in their daily lives.
Join us for an 8-week program designed by Drs. Kristin Neff and Chris Germer that will teach practices that have the power to radically transform the way you relate to yourself and your life. for more information contact Audrey Beaudry 204-256-4301 ext. 2320.
This session is open to families, staff and the St.Amant Community. It will be held at 440 River Road. Participants are asked to contribute $100 towards the cost of the materials.
Fridays, 1:00 PM – 4:00 pm, October 5 – November 23, 2018
Saturday, November 3 will be a half day retreat (8 am – 11:30 am).
Registration deadline: October 1, 2018
Subsidy/respite is available upon request before September 20. To request call: Audrey Beaudry 204-256-4301 ext. 2320.
Facilitators: Andrew Terhoch and Jennifer Kilimnik
A Moment of Self-Compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.
Christopher K. Germer