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St.Amant Announces New Mandatory Mask Use At All Sites

August 27, 2020

On behalf of Shirley Labossiere, A/President & CEO:

Mandatory Mask Use:
As more and more businesses and other facilities across Manitoba are instituting mandatory mask use for visitors and staff along with many businesses in our community, St.Amant also wants to take a proactive approach to reducing the potential spread of illness with COVID-19 and the onset of cold and flu season.
This will help keep everyone safe. We recognize this is a bit of an inconvenience, however I trust that by now everyone is aware of the importance of doing everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Starting Tuesday, September 1, non-medical masks will be mandatory within all St.Amant buildings.
Mask use will be required in all spaces except while eating/drinking or if alone in a closed work space.
Children under the age of two and individuals with medical conditions unrelated to COVID-19, including breathing or cognitive difficulties, that prevent them from safely wearing a mask are exempted from this requirement. Persons who are unable to put on or remove their mask without assistance are similarly exempted.
Staff and visitors are asked to bring their own non-medical masks.
Each program that provides direct support has a set of guidelines with regard to staff and persons supported using non-medical face masks and personal protective equipment. Those guidelines are not affected by this new mask requirement.

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