April 9, 2020
The present precautions and restrictions on group gatherings are changing the way we offer our group spiritual experiences. To ensure that people continue with the spiritual practices and sharing that they value in group programs, the following tools are being created with new content every week. Staff throughout HTS and Community are collaborating to ensure that everyone continues to have has access to the spiritual experiences that are most important to them. The following experiences are being offered individually or in small groups in people’s homes while maintaining physical distances of 6 feet within the group members
St.Amant Freeing the Spirit Experience – This weekly gathering has been taking place at 440 River Road every week for a number of years. The group ranges from 12 – 30 people each Wednesday as they explore all things spiritual in reflection, art, music, prayer and poetry. Participants have the opportunity to lead discussions and express what practices bring meaning into their own lives.
St.Amant 4Directions – For many years, this weekly Indigenous focus group has gathered on Thursday evenings at 440 River Road. Exploring Indigenous life, the gatherings include hands-on experiences, video discussions and guest presenters. With over 30 members, 4Directions explores art, history, culture, spirituality, traditional living, the sacred teachings and other topics as chosen by the group.
St.Amant Novena Prayer Group – This weekly group began gathering every Wednesday and Friday in January 2020 to share in weekly Novena program. Staff, volunteers and people we support collaborate in an evening of Novena prayer, reflection and music.
St.Amant Chapel and Mass Experience – Mass is a longstanding, integral experience for many in our community. In this challenging time, Spiritual Health Services is collaborating with Father Gilbert Gariepy each week to maintain his presence in our community through video programs located here, URL bit.ly/STAchapel.