July 2, 2021
Dear H&TS Families,
Planning has now begun for the downsizing of the Red Zone currently located on Adult Service East. The Red Zone was setup to provide care for people who tested positive for COVID-19. In light of vaccinations being completed for a majority of our residents/ staff and zero active cases, we have the ability to safely restart services back on Units 1 & 2 located on Adult Service East. The individuals who had been relocated to accommodate the expanded Red Zone and are currently being supported in Mapleside as well as Child & Young Adult Health Services East will now be able to return back to the Adult Service East service area. The goal is having a potential return date for those individuals the week of July 12th. H&TS will continue to maintain seven to nine beds for a Red Zone on Unit 3 of Adult Service East.
We are very excited to begin planning for the re-starting of respite services here at H&TS. The leadership team is working with our partners at Shared Health to determine all of the necessary procedures and eligibility requirements to restart the service safely for all those supported at H&TS.
There are a number of service components as well as space considerations to consider before we are able to provide a firm start date for respite service but we are hoping to have all of those pieces in place over the next few weeks. We will provide more updates for you as planning progresses and the details of the service are determined. If you have any questions about the impending restart of the service, please feel free to contact me at 204-256-4301 ext. 4305 or by email at tmacdonald@stamant.ca.
Have a great weekend,
Todd MacDonald
Senior Manager, H&TS