Our Stories

Update to St.Amant Families – July 15, 2021

July 15, 2021

Dear St.Amant Families,
Thanks to a grant from The Winnipeg Foundation, we’ve launched the St.Amant Heritage project that aims to capture and preserve our oral history from our current and former community members. We want to hear from you and anyone else you know who may have worked at St.Amant, volunteered here, or had a family member supported by our organization. Please tell us a bit about who you are and some of your experiences as a St.Amant historian at this link https://bit.ly/StAHeritage. You can also just share some photos that show what was happening throughout St.Amant’s history. Our researcher can scan them and return them back to you. If you have any questions or would like more information about the project, please contact heritage@stamant.ca or 204.256.4301 ext. 5483.
Testing Pilot Project
St.Amant is participating in the provincial asymptomatic testing project as part of our commitment to protecting our colleagues, the people we support, as well as the families of our colleagues and those we support. Even when people are feeling well, they can unknowingly spread COVID to others. Testing is for all community and clinical staff during this period of time, whether staff are partially, fully, or unvaccinated. Each staff person will be expected to complete two rapid tests a week. Staff are encouraged to self-administer these tests at home and before their shift. I want to thank all of the staff participating in this project and for protecting our community.
I’m pleased to share that St.Amant will host a small Pfizer drive-thru vaccine clinic for youth, ages 12-17, on Tuesday, July 27. Any employees or family members who have a child eligible for a first or second dose can book here: https://bit.ly/StAPfizer. This is a great opportunity for young people with barriers to accessing larger sites. The clinic runs from 1:30pm – 2:30pm at 440 River Road.
Spots are still available for our drive-thru Moderna vaccine clinic on Tuesday, July 27 and it is open to everyone. If you know of anyone who could benefit from a drive-thru clinic, please share with them. Donuts, water, and a therapy dog will be onsite along with our staff who are experienced in supporting people who may be fearful, need additional time, or have questions. More information can be found here: https://bit.ly/StAJuly.
Public Health Orders
The Province has updated Public Health orders and we are waiting for Community Living Disability Services to send us updated protocols for visiting within the community. We will share these updates with you once we receive them.
The new Public Health orders only allow fully vaccinated people to attend certain venues like movie theatres, concert halls, sporting events, and museums. Starting Saturday, indoor dining only allows people from different households to sit together if they’re fully vaccinated. People we support want to enjoy the freedom to attend all community events. If you are not fully vaccinated, please consider getting vaccinated so everyone can take advantage of all that our community has to offer.
Stay safe,
John Leggat
President & CEO

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