March 25, 2022
Dear Families,
We continue to see a number of employees and people we support test positive for COVID-19. While we monitor for any change in symptoms, to this point the people we support are all exhibiting mild symptoms.
Spring and warmer weather mean more opportunities to engage in meaningful activities for your loved ones, this is also a great time to be curious about their health and wellbeing.
Throughout this pandemic, we’ve had to make many changes, some permanent, some temporary. How have some of these changes affected your family member’s health, wellbeing, and happiness? Their daily routines or activities may have shifted or changed completely over the past two years. Are there ways we can bring back some of the things they loved doing before the pandemic?
People change over two years, sometimes the things that brought joy and happiness don’t anymore. This is where we can work together and see if it’s a simple change in preference or possibly a matter of health and wellbeing. Is it as simple as finding a new routine that brings more happiness to day-to-day activities? Or, is it a more serious health concern?
Please reach out to the staff that supports your family member if you’ve noticed a change in their wellbeing or behaviour. It’s important that we work together to address any health and wellness issues as they arise.
Over the past two years, our lives have been affected by health and safety restrictions. While health and safety are still very important, mental wellness is an important part of health.
Have a wonderful weekend,
John Leggat
President & CEO